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English CXC

CXC English is a passport to jobs and further education and an enjoyable subject in its own right. This course comes complete with a range of reading, writing, speaking and listening activities to help you develop your awareness of English. Many different types of communication are covered, including report writing, essays, newsletters and letters.

Biology CXC


This popular course offers a fascinating opportunity to find out how life functions, from the level of a single cell, to the most complex organisms. You will develop your understanding of the processes of life with each assignment and the course as a whole includes a number of simple experiments, which you can carry out at home to consolidate your learning.

Principles of Accounting (POA) CXC


Understanding the ideas and methods behind accounting is a valuable asset for a wide range of careers. This course introduces you to all the key tools of the Accountants’ trade, and includes a range of enjoyable activities to help you prepare for CXC and beyond.

Office Administration (OA) CXC


This course is essential for any potential Secretary or office Manager in providing knowledge about the office environment and ergonomics.

Mathematics CXC (& S.A.T) - CXC: GENERAL


This course uses an updated method to cover the exam syllabus, which has proven to achieve great results. It starts with some simple exercises to get you going - all multiple choice and all on a single topic. This helps you to concentrate on one topic at a time and many students have found it useful to read for Scholastic Aptitude Test Examinations at the same time. These activities give a thorough foundation in the manner in which all the key mathematical principles work.

Spanish CXC/ Spanish Extended


P.I.M.B.S offers two separate Spanish courses. If you are a beginner, Spanish General enables you to achieve CXC. If you already have some basic knowledge, however, Spanish Extended enables you to gain CXC marks up to grade A.

Principles of Business (POB) CXC


Business skills are essential for a range of careers, and this course will introduce you to many of the key methods companies rely on in today’s business world. The course includes a wide range of stimulating activities based around a fictional company. This enables you to follow the company’s development right from its earliest days and fully cover all areas of the CXC exam.

Additional Mathematics CXC


Additional Mathematics is useful for those persons who have intentions to study Further Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Abstraction, Statistics etc.



Before this course I was always afraid of numbers. I am very comfortable with accounting. I even got a B in my exam!


I have learnt enough in this course to assist me in performing well in the Office when I find a job.

A very challenging subject for those who wish to be challenged in Maths.


I was very satisfied with the large number of experimental analysis effectuated in the lab


The good thing about it is that it gives you a greater awareness of society. This has inspired me to continue with a similar subject at A’ Levels – Sociology


Chemistry CXC


This course uses up-to-date methods and experimental techniques to cover the Chemistry CXC syllabus. The course is structured to draw attention on new areas such as the need for recycling and conservation. Some economic considerations in the Chemical Industry and the importance of Chemical Industry in everyday life are also addressed

Geography CXC


The teaching here at PIMBS is completely different from any other school. Teachers here take a lot of interest in their students and are concerned with you knowledge of the subject and your enjoyment of it.

Social Studies CXC


It is intended that the skills learnt from this program should be put into practice. It is hoped that the awareness gained will develop a sense of morality and dedication by each student in their social, personal and professional lives.

Physics CXC


This course holds the students’ interest by developing an understanding of physics in every day life. Physics is a vital foundation for individuals wanting to go onto C.A.P.E. and beyond.

History CXC


Among other objectives, the syllabus aims to bring about in students a knowledge and understanding of the common experiences of the peoples of the Caribbean; tolerance of the viewpoints, beliefs and ways of the life of other people.

Information Technology (I.T.) CXC


This course prepares candidates to meet the demand of an increasing need for highly computer literate graduates who can confidently work with their IT colleagues and understand the potential for networking and the Internet.

Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM) CXC


The Electronic Document Preparation and Management Syllabus is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills for jobs such as clerical assistants, administrative assistants and receptionists. The knowledge gained from this syllabus will foster personal growth and development. Further, it will enhance decision-making capabilities of students and cultivate a disciplined and ethical workforce.

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