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The Institute is now very proud to introduce the ‘Tertiary Passport’


The tertiary passport is a "second chance" for persons who did not complete high school, have no CXC or CAPE passes, have basically "dropped out of the system for a long time". but want an opportunity to access tertiary education now. 

Five (5) essential proficiencies are taught during this programme:


  • Studying Skills - helps to re-aclimatize to a school system.

  • Critical Thinking - helps with problem solving.

  • Logical Thinking - helps with sequence.

  • Essay writing - helps to write academic essays to enter tertiary level.

  • Consumer Arithmetic - helps with computation.

Studying Skills

This covers all the study skills - reading, writing, making notes and producing finished work. Combined, these will result in a practical and comprehensive guide to improving your learning.

Critical Thinking / Logical Thinking 

This course teaches students how to better structure their thinking and enables him/her to try out ideas for a variety of situations and introduces some techniques to help them structure their assignments.

 Essay Writing

This is an essential skill for many subjects, but also one that a lot of people find difficult. Essay writing will help you write more confidently, and covers all the steps from planning and making notes to writing the finished piece.

 Consumer Arithmetic

This course will help you to become more familiar with numbers and calculations that are used in situations such as: Interest Rate calculations from the bank, Rate of Pay, Income tax, everyday calculations and more…

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