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First CIM Fellow in the Caribbean

The Professional Institute of Marketing and Business Studies Ltd. would like to congratulate founder and director Dr. Deborah Maharaj-Newling on becoming the first Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Fellow in the Caribbean region.

Deborah Maharaj–Newling was born in Port-of-Spain Trinidad, and has a diverse spectrum of knowledge in Chemistry, Microbiology, Food Technology, Business, Marketing, Digital and International Marketing, Quality Management and Reputation Management.

In her early years, she was very well known in the music circles, being fluent on 12 instruments, and having performed extensively on stage and on television. Equally however, she is very precise in the board room, and having served as Managing Director for a Tertiary Institution for 16 years, she knows how to ensure Quality and Process are executed. Her expertise now extends to consulting for organizations who want to prepare Curricula for their establishment.

This diverse individual came from a rich cultural heritage. In 1984, she won the highest award at the Trinidad and Tobago Music Festival, the “May Johnstone Commemoration Trophy” – for the individual who in the opinion of the adjudicators is the most outstanding performer in the National Music Festival”. Today, thirty two (32)years later, she still holds the title of being the youngest performer ever to have received that honour in Trinidad and Tobago. In 1985, she was one of the foundation members of The Classical Guitar Society of Trinidad and Tobago and went on to serve as President for three years. In the same year, she was awarded a gold medal for culture in the National Youth Achievement Award scheme by Geddes Grant/Huggins. In 1988, she established a guitar section of the National Youth Orchestra and was appointed to the National Youth Advisory Council in 1989.

In 1997 she turned her attention to Education, Quality in Education and Curriculum Development and was nominated for Woman of the Year Award.

She took the same precision and attention to detail in playing musical instruments and performing to the day to day execution of production processes in the factory. In 1985 she accompanied ISO inspectors from the European Union on a tour of Trinidad and Tobago’s Dairy Industry, and in early 1997 successfully led Willie’s Ice Cream to achieve ISO 9002 certification. She moved on to apply her skills as an ISO auditor to Tertiary Education and served as the Managing Director of one of the nation’s leading business schools - the Professional Institute of Marketing and Business Studies Ltd. for the last 16 years. The Institute, has been touted as having trained the largest number of marketers to achieve the prestigious Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) qualification in the Caribbean region.

Deborah Maharaj-Newling is known as one of the brightest marketers in Trinidad and Tobago. Now a “Chartered Marketer”, Mrs. Maharaj-Newling has served the Government of Trinidad and Tobago on the “Seamless Education” committee and was a Board Member from the inception of the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago for five and a half years, during the period 2004- mid 2010. Her dedication to the development of the youth in the nation through education has been unquestionable.

In 2016, she had been elected to become a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, the highest level of the Institute, and she has been confirmed as being the only person in the Caribbean Region to hold this title.

As a manager, she has steered the company through the economic crisis successfully – engineering highly successful cost cutting strategies, engaging in process re-engineering and financial strategies to move the company against the economic tide and sent into an upturn.

As a marketer, she specializes in Strategic Marketing Planning, Managing Corporate Reputation (MCR), Digital and International Marketing and Project Management. MCR is very new to Trinidad and Tobago and Mrs. Maharaj-Newling seeks to assist companies in the identification of their image and identity, with a view towards shaping a positive reputation in the eyes of the public. As an individual and a professional, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to any project in which she becomes involved.

As a consultant, she stands ready to plan and help companies manage Institutional Change, and achieve Quality Management and Critical Success to drive them into the sustainable future. She believes that through the implementation of Digital and International Marketing techniques, companies will survive the wave of economic crises.

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